
End of Year Juries

Thursday, May 30, 2019 by Brian Glosh | Uncategorized

Dear Musicians and Parents,

With our year-end juries in voice and piano quickly approaching, here are some details to aid you in preparing to sing or attend.  Juries will take place according to the following schedule:

Friday, May 31, 2019

Time Students Jury Location Staff
12:30-1:15pm 11th Grade (3) Voice (15min) Grace Chapel Suter/Music
1:30-2:30pm 10th Grade (5) Piano (6min) NCS Lower School Music Classroom Suter/Goen
1:30-2:30pm 9th Grade (5) Voice (12min) Grace Chapel Fergus/Music
2:30-2:40pm All Girls BREAK

2:45-3:45pm 10th Grade (5) Voice (12min) Grace Chapel Fergus/Music
2:45-3:45pm 9th Grade (5) Piano (6min) NCS LS Music Suter/Goen


3:00 PM All Boys Snack STA Choir Room Glosh
4:00-5:15pm Junior Boys (11) Piano (6min) STA SB 202 Suter/Goen
5:15-5:20pm Junior Boys BREAK

5:20-6:30pm Junior Boys (11) Voice (8min) STA Upper School Choir Room Fergus/Music
4:00-5:15pm Senior Boys (8) Voice (9min) STA US Choir Room Fergus/Music
5:15-5:20pm Senior Boys BREAK

5:20-6:30pm Senior Boys (8) Piano (7min) STA SB202 Suter/Goen

Saturday, June 1, 2019

9:30-11:00am Junior Girls (7) Voice (12min) Grace Chapel Fergus/Music

11:15am-12:00pm Junior Girls (7) Piano (6min) Grace Chapel Suter/Goen
12:15-1:00pm Makeup Juries Piano/Voice Grace Chapel Fergus/Music

Please let us know ASAP if you will be traveling or otherwise unavailable on May 31 or June 1. Also, senior girls, please let Mr. Glosh know if you will be taking a makeup exam on Friday afternoon, so we can include you on Saturday’s schedule.

Juries are open to parents and other singers – please plan to support your children and colleagues! In lieu of written comments, Mr. McCarthy, Ms. Edwards, Ms. Mondel and Ms. Stuart will provide remarks for voice juries, and Mr. Goen, our colleague from St. Albans School, will provide comments for piano juries. Repertoire requirements for all choristers are:


-3 Repertoire selections as assigned by voice teacher, from memory


-3 pieces as assigned by piano instructor (not memorized)

For both juries, choristers will choose their first selections, and the panel will then request parts or all of the additional selections. It is quite possible that you will not perform each of your three pieces in its entirety. For voice juries, please be prepared to explain the meaning of each of your pieces in a sentence or two, and know the title and composer of each piece.

We are very pleased to have our own Mr. Fergus accompanying the voice juries. Although there will not be a rehearsal opportunity with Mr. Fergus prior to juries, singers will be given a chance to set tempi before singing.

Aural skills testing, which includes sight-singing, as well as piano scales and arpeggios have already been tested by piano instructors during regular choir rehearsals the previous week and will not be part of the public presentations.

Thank you for your preparation! We look forward to hearing you. 

Sacred Music Festival Information - Novices

Thursday, February 21, 2019 by Brian Glosh | Uncategorized

Good morning,

Hopefully you have already registered for the Sacred Music Festival this weekend!However, if you haven’t, you can still come on Saturday with $25 and I will have music packets for your son/daughter. The most important thing is to let me know about your lunch requests so that we can make sure we order enough food over the weekend.You can do this by following this link:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdmOJzXaKtDCSR-lDoaHd-cwUkw18zFQVimpFafP17NEtDhnw/viewform

A reminder that we have been working on most of this music through our Novice rehearsals and this would be a wonderful experience to sing with other Choristers from across the DMV.

Youtube Practice:

Since we didn’t have any novice rehearsals this week we missed our final touch up before the actual festival!Here is the link again to the youtube channel with all of the music from the festival:


The Novices will be singing:

Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring – Bach

Non Nobis Domine – Byrd

Keep Your Lamps – Victor Johnson

Risen Lord – Rose

Love one Another – (Blessed be God and Father)There is a middle section that is a treble solo that they will join the Cathedral choir.

If your chorister would prefer to take the music home and practice, please let me know and they can come and pick the packet up today or tomorrow.


On Saturday, children should be dressed in school appropriate clothing.We will be in rehearsals most of the day with some games that will require movement.Think layers as the Cathedral can get warm and cold in different places.

Sunday, Novices should wear a white-button down shirt and black pants/long skirt for the evensong service.If boys have a sports coat and tie that would be great.I have extras of both if you do not have one.Black shoes!


The entire schedule can be found on this online pdf: https://cathedral.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Festival-Schedule-and-Rep.pdf

If you have any questions, please let me know!!!

Messiah Tickets

Monday, November 5, 2018 by Brian Glosh | Uncategorized

Good afternoon Parents,

We are a month away from Messiah!This means tickets are on sale now for Messiah and chorister parents have the opportunity to purchase two tickets at 50% the cost.You may use the Cathedral’s online ticket site by going to https://cathedral.org/what-to-do/concerts/ and selecting which performance you would like to see.Insert HANDELFRIENDS in the code to receive the discount.You may also call Sarah Rockwood at (202) 537-2234 and mention that you are a chorister parent.

Important Note: There is a 4 th performance of the Messiah called the Family Messiah on Saturday at 12:30 PM.The Choristers will not be performing at this performance. 

If you have any questions regarding tickets, please be sure to ask either myself, Sarah, or Sandy Caracciolo.

Thank you!

Choir Camp Handbook Available NOW

Friday, August 10, 2018 by Brian Glosh | Uncategorized

Good afternoon Choristers and Parents,

You will find the 2018-2019 National Cathedral Choir Camp Handbook in the Library and Downloads section of MyMusicStaff.  This handbook includes a suggested packing list, full schedule of choir camp events, contact information for myself and the Roslyn Retreat Center, rooming lists, and other important information.  For those who have experienced choir camp before, there are a couple of changes that are different from the past couple of years. 

Thursday, August 23 rd   Opening Day

The morning will feel similar to parents as we will still have breakfast and a family oriented Eucharist and a 9:15 am parent send-off.  The choristers will then begin their Cathedral Orientation.  This will include vestment fittings, a meet and greet with important Cathedral Close staff, fire and safety drills, processional practice, and a Cathedral tour, which will extend our time at the Cathedral.  We will hopefully have lunch in the Bishop’s Garden and then depart for Roslyn to arrive around 3:30 PM.

More information about expected fees for food, breakfast and opening day business to come…

Sunday, August 26 th Concert at RRCB

In the past, this concert has been placed on Monday, after Kings Dominion.  We have moved our schedule around this year so that Kings Dominion and the Community Service Project happen after the concert.  This fits better with RRCB’s schedule as well and hopefully will allow the choristers to have a bit more energy for the concert!  Parents are welcome and invited to come.

Wednesday, August 29 th

We have added two items to the schedule at Roslyn that will make our arrival time later in the afternoon. (4:30 PM)  As a department we felt it important to spend some time discuss with the Choristers before they return to school and begin to manage their chorister and academic schedule and share some advice on how to ask for help, what to expect for the first weeks, and answer any questions they may have.  We will also be creating a Choir Camp Wrap-up video to look back on the all of the fun times and to reinforce our theme for the week. 

Important things to do:

  1. Make sure that you have a Chorister Uniform that fits for Choir Camp!  If you need help ordering or would like to come try on some uniform pieces please let me know.
  2. Update and complete all required medical forms for the schools.  This is required for any students to travel on a school trip!  If you have a doctor’s appointment set up it is also helpful to let the nurses know so that they can expect the incoming information.
  3. Get excited!  This is one of the best parts of the year in the program.  Encourage your son/daughter to start thinking of talent show ideas and practicing their dance moves.  We are going to have a blast!

I am available all of next week and will be at the Cathedral to answer any questions you may have.  

Thank you,

Brian Glosh

2018-2019 Calendar

Monday, July 9, 2018 by Brian Glosh | Uncategorized

Good afternoon Choristers and Parents,

The 2018 – 2019 Chorister Calendar has been placed on MyMusicStaff!You can now sync this calendar with your mobile devices and receive automatic updates to any changes to the calendar by clicking on Setup Sync in the upper right corner of the calendar.All Sunday and weekday evensongs are confirmed for the upcoming year for each specific ensemble.If there are any additional performances and events, we will do our best to inform you at least 2 weeks prior to the event.

Please give attention to Choir Camp August 23-29 th , Messiah and Christmas Season in December, Easter Season in April, and the end of the school year with Graduation performances and the two weeks of hold for any travel or recordings.

Post-Graduation Period

Certain activities (tours, recordings, etc.) cannot easily be scheduled during the school year. Thus choristers are required to be available for such projects for two weeks following NCS/STA graduations. The Music Office will inform parents of activities, if any, by the end of the first semester of that academic year.


Families shall be granted one grace day per year, to be taken at their discretion.A grace day may be taken on a weekday or a Sunday and will apply to the whole day.No grace day may be taken for a REQUIRED call, and no more than two girl choristers or one boy chorister may have a grace day on the same date.Grace days will be reserved on a first-come-first-served basis.Request for a grace day should be made by email to the Chorister Program Manager, or requested through MyMusicStaff at https://wncmusic.mymusicstaff.com/Grace-Day-RequestAn unexpected special service will void any requests for a grace day on that date.

I have also attached a list of Important Dates through the 2018-2019 school year.Most of these are special events that fall outside of the normal Sunday and weekday rotation.Events that are Bolded are considered required and Grace Days will not be accepted.To review specific ensembles:


(SR) Senior Choristers are 9-12 th grade girl and A-Form II Boy

(JR) Junior Choristers are 7-8 th grade girl and C-B Form Boy

(GIRLS) Entire Girls’ Choir

(BOYS) Entire Boys’ Choir

Also, as a reminder from the Handbook:

Attendance Expectation:

Because the chorister program is part of each child’s academic curriculum, therefore, full participation in the program is a requirement. Choristers are required to attend all calls listed on My Music Staff including private lessons. Exceptions must be approved by the Music Office in advance using the My Music Staff ‘Grace Day Request’ procedure.Students should arrive to the given call 10-15 minutes early to prepare music, uniforms, and supplies needed before rehearsal or service.

If you have any questions, please let me know.Hope you’re having a great summer!