
Girl Chorister Scheduling Announcements

Monday, February 1, 2016 by Brian Glosh | Full Girls

Hello Parents,


Here are several announcements and schedule reminders for the Upcoming Week and beyond!


Monday (Today):


  • There is no Evensong!  We have a guest choir coming to sing.  This also marks the beginning of Seeing Deeper which will be running from Monday through Friday.



Sunday, Feb. 7th:


  • We will be having our Girl Novice "Open House"  This does not change the chorister schedule, but we will be inviting the girl novices and their families to sit in during the morning rehearsal and attend the Sunday Service.   
  • There is no Evensong! The Absalom Jones Diocesan Service will be taking place.  The presiding Bishop, Michael Curry, will be attending if you would still like to come.
Summer Dates:
​The Choristers will have no obligations for the two weeks following school.  The dates are June 5th - June 18th.  Enjoy the summer!
Choir Camp Dates - Choir Camp will be from Thursday August 25th - August 31st.  Due to scheduling conflicts with Rosalyn we are departing in the middle of the week.  This may give us an opportunity to not only hold a concert but also sing a service while we are in Richmond.  
If you have any questions, please email me!