
UK Tour Information

Friday, October 21, 2016 by Brian Glosh | Uncategorized

Dear Parents,

Many thanks for attending the meeting on Friday, October 14th. It is good to hear that the year, generally, has got off to a steady start.

The purpose of writing to you is to confirm the conversation with regards to the proposed tour to the UK next June. While we had a majority of the parents present, I realize that not all where there so am writing to you with what was discussed and also a clear consensus that seemed to come from that discussion.

Proposed Tour Dates 

Saturday June 17 th  – Sunday June 25 th  June

 Performance Venues 

Warwick, Worcester Cathedral, Lincoln Cathedral, Ely Cathedral & London (venue TBD)


Warwick Castle, Shakespeare’s Birthplace, Lincoln Castle, King’s College Chapel and the Tower of London

 Cost of Tour

$3500 all inclusive

 Who Goes?

All 42 boy and girl chorister. 6 chaperones

 How is this tour funded? 

This tour needs to be funded through parent contributions. With music program fundraising goal set for the year and still incomplete it is not going to be possible to add this to our fundraising goal.

The cost is going to be a challenge for me? 

As with all previous tours we have managed to support families through the generosity of other parents. The attached form gives opportunity for parents to request support and also for those to indicate if they are able to add some funds to support others. Mr. Glosh will then reach out directly to individual families to discuss. This will be handled confidentially.

What Happens Next?

Mr. Glosh will circulate a form which we ask you to return by Friday 28 th  October. Before being able to proceed to contract, I will need to demonstrate that this tour is self-funding. Your quick return of forms will help this process.

Finally, it has been a sadness to me that, for financial reasons, the Cathedral Music Program has not been able to consider tours for former generations of choristers. I am delighted that we can now begin to provide these opportunities, as I know first-hand what experiences they provide and the huge benefit they are to the general well-ness, musical and otherwise for the program! Exciting times!

Best wishes,

Michael McCarthy

Online Commitment Form